Academic Resources

From thesis research to help with your first-ever college assignment, CC为有学术问题的学生提供各种资源和服务. 一些学术部门雇用了刚毕业的辅助专业人士,他们在那里帮助学生和教师,而不是教课. 院系也可以向学生推荐具有适当专业知识的导师.


Academic Honor Council

(719) 389-6564
Mission: 科罗拉多大学荣誉制度成立于1948年,旨在促进个人责任和学术诚信. Founded upon the value of mutual trust between students and professors, it is an essential tradition of the college. The Honor Code applies to all assignments completed for credit, and any potential code violation is the concern of the Honor Council. 荣誉委员会是一个由学生管理的组织,通过教育校园社区和管理荣誉系统程序来维护和执行荣誉守则.

Accessibility Resources

(719) 227-8285
Armstrong 219
Mission: 无障碍资源与校园社区合作,确保为残疾学生提供包容和无障碍的大学体验. 他们提供各种住宿和资源,以支持学生追求他们的学术目标. 无论您是CC的新学生还是正在查看资源的在读学生, 无障碍资源的工作人员将很乐意与您谈谈您的个人情况,以及他们如何才能最好地帮助您. For additional information, please contact Accessibility Resources.

Colket Center for Academic Excellence

(719) 389-6168
Located: Tutt Library
Mission: 赌博正规的十大网站的科尔特学术卓越中心为学生提供学业成功所需的资源. Because of the intensity, pace, and intellectual rigor of the Block Plan, 科尔特中心成立于2002年,旨在为各个学科的学生提供资源支持.

Collaborative for Community Engagement

(719) 389-6846
Mission: 协作社区参与支持和促进广泛的节目设计,以满足学生的兴趣和社区的需要. 从学生组织到社区参与的领导力证书课程, from community-based research to living learning communities, 我们的项目吸引了来自校园和社区的不同利益相关者,以促进共同利益,推动学术学习走向世界.

Crown Faculty Center

(719) 389-6986
Located: Tutt Library
Mission: 皇冠学院中心鼓励想象力的发展和维护, dedicated, self-reflective teaching. 它还促进和支持教师奖学金,研究和写作. A part of the faculty development program at Colorado College, 这是Tutt图书馆学习共享的一个空间,教师们可以在这里聚在一起讨论教学的挑战, research, and service.

Helen and Arthur E. Johnson GIS Lab

(719) 389-6130
Located: Tutt Library 130
Mission: 地理信息系统实验室为学生和教师提供研究或教学目的的空间研究咨询. 该实验室训练学生发展和执行空间研究问题,并促进空间推理, data visualization, and spatial statistical analysis. The lab offers space and tutoring for multiscalar projects, from self-directed research to classroom training to collaborative, 扩展到更大的科罗拉多斯普林斯社区的基于云的工作. For more information contact Matt Cooney, the GIS Technical Director.

Media Services (Audio/Visual)

(719) 389-6378 [Equipment Reservation & Checkout]
(719) 389-6379 [Maintenance]
(719) 389-6382 [Special Events]
Located: Armstrong Hall Basement
Mission: 媒体服务(以前称为“音频/视觉服务”)协助校园社区展示音频, photographic, film, and video materials. 该小组支持课堂教学、特殊活动以及学生和教师项目. Services include delivery of equipment, scheduling of technical support, as well as media editing and training.

Center for Global Education & Field Study

(719) 227-8282
Located: Armstrong 213
Mission: The Center for Global Education & 实地学习服务于校外学习的学生(国内和国际) , incoming international students, faculty who lead students on off-campus programs, and international faculty who require immigration services.

Solutions Center (Computing Support)

(719) 389-6449
Located: Tutt Library
Mission: 解决方案中心是赌博正规的十大网站在线计算机协助的校园资源. 解决方案中心支持专家为CC社区提供保护方面的帮助, maintaining, and operating computers.

Advising Hub

(719) 389-6687
Mission: Before beginning the first year at Colorado College, students are matched with a pre-major faculty academic advisor. 我们鼓励学生与他们的导师讨论课程选择,这些课程将补充他们想要在CC探索的知识路径,同时完成所有学院的要求. 他们也可以向专业预科指导老师咨询课堂之外的研究和实习机会. 当学生宣布他们的专业时,他们会在专业部门找到一位指导老师. Major advisors work with students to choose courses in the major. 他们帮助学生确定特定学科的研究和实习机会. 主要顾问也与他们的学生一起工作,以确定一个教员谁可以指导他们的研究在他们的高级论文或顶点项目.

Student Funding Opportunities

(719) 389-6686
Located: Armstrong 213
Mission: There are exciting opportunities for all students at CC. 我们鼓励学生在CC学习期间尽早探索这些机会. 我们邀请学生与学院副院长单独预约,了解如何准备和申请各种内部和外部资助.

Summer Session

(719) 389-6656
Located: Armstrong 213
Mission: Summer session offers on-campus blocks, courses abroad, and off-campus courses, as well as new linked-block thematic Institutes.


719) 389-6025
Located: 1004 N. Weber St.
Mission: 赌博正规的十大网站的可持续发展是我们是谁以及我们如何定义自己的一个组成部分. 我们渴望使赌博正规的十大网站成为校园和社区可持续发展的典范——一个学术村,在各个层面上都体现了对可持续发展和理想未来的承诺, 不仅对人类经济如此,对它所处的更大的生态系统也是如此.

The Quantitative Reasoning Center

(719) 227-8289
Located: Tutt Library
Mission: The Quantitative Reasoning Center (QRC) offers free professional and peer tutoring; assistance with study skills, problem solving, and time management; and study areas for group work with white boards, computers with science software, and the "amoeba table." Steve Getty, QRC主任组织科学和数学课程的辅导,并支持和指导特定课程的学习.

Tutt Library

(719) 389-6662 [Reference Desk]
(719) 389-6184 [Circulation Desk]
Mission: To provide bibliographic, intellectual, and physical access to knowledge and information, to support the educational aims of Colorado College, and to promote continued independent learning.

Writing Center

(719) 389-6742
Gill House/Tutt South
写作中心提供了一个舞台,学生可以通过与训练有素的同行顾问和专业人员参加个性化会议来完成写作过程,并改善他们想法的表达. The Writing Center is staffed by a full-time professional director, a professional English as a Second Language (ESL) instructor, two professional writing consultants, and student peer consultants.

Report an issue - Last updated: 06/02/2023